Go Mobile // 3 Important Stats for Email and Websites

This week is Email Week, so throughout the week we’ll be posting insights about the various aspects of email marketing.

As email becomes more prevalent, especially as mobile device usage increases, it’s important to give your contacts a consistent, user-friendly experience. This is important not only from email to email, but also as a user transitions from email to your website.

Gonesh April Fools Day emailIn November of 2015, Sparkfactor helped long-time client Gonesh Incense upgrade their website to a mobile responsive template, with an updated e-commerce site. We also gave the email template a responsive boost and doubled the email marketing efforts. Since then, Gonesh’s monthly online sales have more than doubled. This growth can be attributed to many changes in the Gonesh marketing strategy, most notably the increase of email marketing campaigns, the introduction of mobile-friendly email templates, and the consistency of the website across many different platforms. 

72% of US Adults Prefer Email

Consumers seem to respond better to marketing messages that they can choose to respond to instead of disrupting their daily lives (like telemarketers). In fact, email is the only digital media that consumers prefer over traditional means of communication with companies, including direct mail, TV ads, and magazines and newspapers.

If email means so much to your audience, it’s important to make the right impression.

68% of All Emails Are Opened on Mobile

Since most of emails are being opened on mobile devices, which included smartphones and tablets, consumers expect those emails to display properly. If an email is hard to read, your audience is likely to close it and not return. Just as important as mobile-responsive email is a mobile-friendly website. If a user does click through to the site, they want to be able to readily see what was referenced in the email on their mobile device. And it’s also necessary to have a consistent experience across mobile and desktop.

53% of Conversions Are on Desktop

While most users open email on mobile and might click to see the information on a mobile-responsive website, it seems like a slight majority of users still prefer to fill out forms or shop using e-commerce sites on a desktop. Rather than having two different experiences for mobile and desktop, a mobile-responsive site uses a layout that contracts or expands depending on screen size, for a consistent experience no matter what the device. This makes for a seamless transition for the user, helping them to focus on filling out the form or purchasing a product rather than finding what page they should be on.

Consumers like to be able to read emails or visit sites on their mobile devices, as the trends increasingly shift toward a preference in mobile. Don’t miss out on ever-increasing opportunities; make the investment now to have all digital entities be mobile-friendly. 


All statistics in this post come from Business2Community.com

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