In this season of giving, what’s the biggest donation your nonprofit is likely to see from one donor? $100? $1,000? How about $10,000? 

What if you could add an extra $10,000 into your budget every month?

Google Ad Grants could do just that. Ad Grants is AdWords for nonprofits. AdWords is Google’s online advertising tool that allows businesses to create ads and campaigns to show up on Google’s search engine results pages. AdWords allows users to set and revise a budget and only pay when someone actually clicks on an ad.


What makes Google Ad Grants special is that it allows nonprofits to spend $10,000 a month on ads for free. Organizations that are 501(c)(3) charities are eligible to create an account that allows text-only, keyword-targeted campaigns. Included in that is the option to change, pause, or delete ads or keywords at any time.

If creating ads is just one more thing to add to the never-ending list, try AdWords Express. Once you enter basic information into your Express account, it runs and optimizes your organization’s campaigns so you don’t have to.

Google Ad Grants is under the Google for Nonprofits umbrella, which includes free access to Google apps and One Today, Google’s mobile fund-raising platform.

Add Google’s free resources to your arsenal of useful tools and see increased engagement in no time. You might already have plans for your $10,000, but if you don’t, let’s brainstorm ideas together.

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