Metropolitan Title Agency is a title insurance company located in Rockford, IL. The knowledgeable staff at MTA helps customers close on the properties they fell in love with. Sparkfactor received a referral from Fidelity National Title Group that Metropolitan Title...
Sparkfactor’s long-time client Gonesh Incense enjoys taking a cheeky approach to their monthly email marketing, letting our designers’ imaginations run wild for monthly promotions and holidays like April Fools, Fourth of July, and Valentine’s Day....
When Dr. Kat Aleman opened her practice, Kindred Chiropractic, she knew she wanted to focus especially on women and children’s health and she needed well-designed materials to get the word out. Sparkfactor designed a set of 7 rack cards to communicate these and other...
The Edgewater Chamber produces an annual neighborhood report to create awareness of its activities benefiting area businesses and residents. We designed the 2014 report as a clean full-bleed infographic. Our design took advantage of a unique buy antibiotics online...
There’s a saying that “the devil is in the details.” Bringing technology products to market requires visual designers to walk a fine line between sufficient detail and overwhelming complexity. Siemens created Advantage Navigator to address...