Why You Need to Consider Migrating Your Site to HTTPS
You may have seen an increase in secure websites—those that have “https” instead of the simple “http” before the rest of the URL—over the last few years. As early as 2014, Google has shown preference to these secure sites in an effort to make...Why Every Company Needs Brand Guidelines
A brand is the way a company presents itself to outsiders: consumers, board members, partners, customers. A brand is used to identify one organization from another. And it’s not just the logo—although that plays a significant part—a brand identity takes into...Hello Howard: A Case Study in Neighborhood Marketing // Behind the Spark
Originally published on the Women Belong blog. Even if you’re not from Chicago, you’ve probably heard of the city’s elevated public train line, the El. Howard Street is the last stop on the northern end of the El’s Red Line. The Howard stop is...Your Marketing Needs to Focus on More Than Just a Website
Last week, HubSpot released its annual State of Inbound report. Every year, HubSpot surveys companies across the globe about their marketing and sales efforts in an attempt to understand the state of marketing, and inbound marketing specifically. A lot of information...#InspiredBy J. Crew
Every once and a while, an ad catches my attention. Once, it was a Bears billboard that got me excited for the season; a while ago, it was an Esurance ad on Spotify; and yesterday, it was a J. Crew ad at a bus stop. The ad was simple in design—two models in engaging...How Dramatic Structure Will Make You a Better Visual Storyteller
Even if you don’t consider yourself a writer or much of a reader, you likely instinctively know what dramatic structure is. Made popular by Freytag’s Pyramid, dramatic structure argues that there are five main components to any narrative or story told:...