Metropolitan Title Agency is a title insurance company located in Rockford, IL. The knowledgeable staff at MTA helps customers close on the properties they fell in love with. Sparkfactor received a referral from Fidelity National Title Group that Metropolitan Title...
Radiance Fine Jewelry came to Sparkfactor in need of two new brochures to show to prospective clients, and a desire to add a Google virtual tour to their marketing efforts. Radiance Fine Jewelry is a neighborhood jewelry boutique that offers collections from top...
Bolton Medical, a division of the WerfenLife Company, develops products and technology focused on the aorta. The company is committed to improving patient care through its solutions for aortic treatment. When looking for a novel way to grab the attention of doctors...
Dear Friends, As much as we’ve loved helping you with all your digital needs, Sparkfactor has come to a fork in the road and has decided to start a new venture. We are going into the utensil manufacturing business and becoming Sporkfactory. The decision was...
Integrated Project Management needed to boost the impact of their email marketing and asked us to redesign their email templates. Our tasks included giving an industry-specific visual appeal to users and prospects in distinct verticals (i.e. Life order tramadol from...
In the fall of 2013, the Rogers Park Business Alliance requested the design of a unique brand for their annual Harvest event. The brand identity we created communicates a family-oriented neighborhood festival with energy and diversity. A range of tactics were...