Capabilities Reel

Our greatest attribute is our creativity. We offer tailor-made marketing materials with the foresight to conceptualize the best plan. We’ve always been dedicated to providing the leading industry standard of technology and innovation. We maintain a watchful eye on...

Doctors of Optometry

Informational video from the AOA about becoming an optometrist. Several location shoots, interviews, custom score by Kate Simko.


Trade show motion graphics video for Optos to show off their new software.
New Orleans River Parishes

New Orleans River Parishes

Take me to the River, drop me in the water…was the theme and logo chosen for the River parishes Tourist Commission of Greater New Orleans. This 12 panel fold-out brochure showed the beauty, culture and history of the River Parishes Communities and helped people find...
Professional Eye Care Center

Professional Eye Care Center

Professional Eye Care Center was changing locations after 15 years, it was also time to change their identity. With a more visible location, Sparkfactor developed a complete identity package including signage, website, video and collateral. The flash based website has...


There are over 30 million digital presentations given each day. How do you make yours shine bright through the cluttered visual field? Sparkfactor made Adecco’s stand out with an sleek design and visual interface. A clean, modern look delivers key information in...

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