

Saint Ignatius College Prep wanted to update the look and feel of their ASP.NET website, working with the development office and IT team at Ignatius, Sparkfactor re-designed and programmed the new home page in less best generic priligy than one week so that the new...
Watkins for Mayor ’11

Watkins for Mayor ’11

SAFE. SMART. SUSTAINABLE. These are the tenets of Patricia Van Pelt Watkins campaign for Mayor for Chicago 2011. Patricia grew up in the projects of Cabrini-Green and has inspired families to deal with the challenges of everyday life. Patricia wanted a video to...
Queen of All Saints

Queen of All Saints

These billboards went up on Metra stops in the Sauganash area of Chicago to let residents know of the quality of a Catholic Education. The school, named a United States National Blue Ribbon School, fosters a stimulating environment in which students learn skills of...
Scottish Home

Scottish Home

The Scottish Home is a small, private community providing both assisted living and nursing care services in a beautiful, intimate setting.  Started by the Illinois St. Andrews Society, the oldest charity in Illinois,  the Scottish Home is a non-profit organization buy...
Illinois Eye Institute Foundation

Illinois Eye Institute Foundation

With over 90,000 patient visits each year, the Illinois Eye Institute is a leading provider of vision and eye care services in the state, as well as the nation. The Illinois Eye Institute Foundation provides funding for comprehensive multi-specialty eye care for...
VSP Global

VSP Global

VSP Global and Optos partnered together to offer the new Eye Health Check + Program. The video was used at a the American Optometric Association’s annual congress to launch the program.

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