Lofthouse Social

Lofthouse Social

Lofthouse Cookies wanted to build a fan page and increase their presence on Facebook. We helped them design and manage a Facebook contest that yielded over 4,000 new fans in under two months. We developed a Summer Sweepstakes contest with weekly random drawings for...
Vision Source 2011

Vision Source 2011

Optos® makes a device which takes a look takes a picture of the back of the retina in order to maintain healthy eyes. This video was created to kick-off Optos’ annual Vision Source Meeting , where Doctors of Optometry gather for the latest in technology.
Luther North High School

Luther North High School

“Be something big”, that is the prospect when a student attends Luther North High School. A small, private high school located on the Northwest side of Chicago. Luther North has helped students achieve their academic goals for over 100 years and...
Bosch – 5312 Demo Video

Bosch – 5312 Demo Video

The Bosch – 5312 Features video was produced to show distributors and retailers the feature set of this unique dual-bevel, compound slide miter saw. The video buy soma london features the product manager demonstrating the precision, efficiency, durability and...
Bosch – 5312 Miter Saw

Bosch – 5312 Miter Saw

Sparkfactor helped introduce the Bosch 5312 – 12 inch Bevel slide Miter saw. This15 amp saw puts you Upfront and in control! Shot on location in Chicagoland, the 5312 is the first saw to have all controls upfront. This video is was used for the product...

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