How to Take Advantage of Free Email Automation

MailChimp, an email marketing software company, recently released email automation as part of their free service, which is huge news for small businesses, non-for-profits, and ecommerce sites. This addition is a real game changer in the marketing industry because,...

5 Automated Emails You Should Be Sending

This week is Email Week, so throughout the week we’ll be posting insights about the various aspects of email marketing. Email automation and workflows save companies and businesses time by sending out emails automatically depending on different triggers. It also...

The Importance of Email Templates in Marketing

This week is Email Week, so throughout the week we’ll be posting insights about the various aspects of email marketing. Email seems simple: write a few lines of copy, add a link to your website, and send it out. Most email services allow you to design your...

Go Mobile // 3 Important Stats for Email and Websites

This week is Email Week, so throughout the week we’ll be posting insights about the various aspects of email marketing. As email becomes more prevalent, especially as mobile device usage increases, it’s important to give your contacts a consistent,...

Here Are 4 Ways to Benefit from Email Automation

The rise of email has been helpful to marketers across industries and companies of various sizes. It connects brands on a personal level to their consumers and customers, from simple transactional emails—like a receipt—or more complex communications—like timed...

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