Realtor Tom Walsh came us looking for a new logo. He wanted a strong and recognizable brand mark. The up arrow design would not only signify the North Shore of Chicago where most of his clients are, but also convey growth and development to anyone who sees it. We...
Before we could work with First Financial Credit Union on their ad campaign and web banners, we first had to develop a brand identity package. The package, which included an introduction, guidelines for logo lock up and stock photography, and sample ad copy and...
We partnered with First Financial Credit Union to create web and billboard ads. First, we created a brand guideline to give consistency to the ads across channels based on company values. Then, using the guideline for reference, we sourced natural-looking stock photos...
We teamed up once again with First Financial Credit Union to create web sliders for their new website that matched their new brand guideline and recent ads. We sourced realistic stock photography to add an instant connection with the audience.
Hoping to inform their audience, the owners of Crosstown Tree Service came to us with a rough draft of an ebook they wanted designed and published on their website. After some editing and a design treatment, the ebook was published on their site and used as a download...
In the fall of 2013, the Rogers Park Business Alliance requested the design of a unique brand for their annual Harvest event. The brand identity we created communicates a family-oriented neighborhood festival with energy and diversity. A range of tactics were...