
It’s easy to think that time well-spent on social media means spreading the word about your products and services far and wide. Even for those lucky enough to name their own marketing budgets, it’s wise to start thinking of your social media marketing in more tangible terms. When brands try to connect with everyone at once, they often fail to forge deeper relations with any one segment of their audience.

It’s time to step back and do some self-evaluation of your social media efforts: Who are you targeting? Where are those people spending their time? And how can you effectively reach them? Once you figure out the first question, you can spend some time on the last two.

We’ve compiled some data on the most popular social media sites from Pew Research Center and Survey Analytics to try to help you decide which sites might be useful for you to target the 73% of adults who are online.

Who: 71% of all adults online; typically under 30, making less than $30,000 a year
Reach: Facebook is the gateway drug of social media: it’s easy to learn, uses a variety of content, and connects to other platforms.

Who: mix of younger and older users
Reach: Because Twitter is primarily order tramadol with cod used for communicating with friends or learning about news, it’s important to engage by posting relevant, timely content and connect with your followers by using retweets and tweet-ats.

Who: young, urban users; high Twitter crossover
Reach: Concentrated on images. Try a day-in-the-life account or invite consumers to submit their own images using your product.

Who: middle-aged women; designers, DIY-ers, stay-at-home moms
Reach: The catch-all for various visual content, use beautiful, eye-catching images to connect back to content on your site. Learn more about how to use Pinterest here.

Who: older, college-educated users; high socio-economic status
Reach: Share valuable, business-related content to potential clients, business partners, and even employees.

Other sites to consider are Google+,Vine, Snapchat, and Ello. These platforms are on the rise, so be thinking about if and how to incorporate them into your marketing plan. No matter which platforms you choose to incorporate into your marketing strategy, you’ll want to make sure that you have creative content that keeps consumers coming back not only to your social media accounts, but also to your website.

Once you find the social media platform(s) that will work for your brand, click below to get our social prospecting worksheet to learn how to gain more traction!


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